Monday, September 12, 2011

Making Sense of 9/11-PART TWO

     One of the highest quality reads I have gandered at in years!  As one critic stated it is of "Pulitzer Prize" calibre and consideration. 

     I think most educated people worldwide who know and understand thoroughly their history would agree without reservation.  The author eloquently states what is and has been on many people's minds for a long time, yet simply did not know how to put it into words.

     This leads me to reinforce and lay claim to my prior argument that knowledge and education is in fact power.  Unfortunately, knowledge and power that is achieved,  historically it has been documented to be abused.   Dating back to man's earliest existence, it  has too many times been misplaced and abused in mankind's greed and quest for fortune.  The self interests of man permeates, like a diseased cancer, their sound common sense and thinking.  A famous person once said, "the pen is mightier than the sword".  If this is the case, this article needs to put into the hands of people with power, to be READ.

     One might call me a pacifist, which is fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.  One might call me anti-republican, and this is fine.  I am independent in my political views, and not one to argue with another over religion as I believe in God as well.

     The bottom line, even as a Marine, is that bloodshed and death through war is incredulous.  I absolutely abhore the notion of what history continues to tell us and repeat of itself.  Not at all a cynical person by nature, but the facts are that the world continues to swirl into a deeper and deeper black hole.   In the end, other than laying claim to some prize, whether materially or idealogically, it accomplishes nothing in the very end.  On the contrary, the continuing pain and suffering of the masses throughout the world...

    Machiavelli's principles reference power continue to influence and keep its grip on world leaders in the 21st century.  Self interests, along with special interests, continue to prevail and sway public opinion upon the masses of those who do not even understand or can define the terms nationalism or zionism.  Who really are the Filistines, and for that matter who really cares?

     Godspeed to all who have given their lives for their fellow man and not necessarily for something else.  Their selfless sacrifices to what they believed was right regardless of what their leaders thought and did, and whether they were militarily or politically motivated, are the truest of demonstration of compassion and humanity.

    We all really are just pawns in what is becoming increasingly more troublesome in the chess game of life, no? 


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