Sunday, September 11, 2011

Making Sense of 9/11

     In response to an article from an Arab in the middle east,
I felt compelled to chime in on the topic.  I appreciated the article and its objectivity.  I asked a follower on Twitter, what is there to make sense of?  She replied, read the article.  So, here is my take on the tragic event of ten years ago.

     Watching the event unfold from the confines of my high school history classroom in Charlotte, to think otherwise than a tragic airline mishap to trying to explain to a class of approximately twenty five World History students aged 14-19, it is difficult to convey to them in a few mere words, and place into context, the unfolding of thousands of years of history.

     The sole human mind in all its complexity and dynamic as the earth's greatest computer compared to the insanity and inhumanity it is capable of is the ultimate of all oxymoron's or contradictions.  Essentially, human beings are slightly more complex than all living things possessing the earth.  When posed with the adrenaline of having to fight or flight, animal instincts prevail and in the end ultimately demoralize our intellectual and emotional superiority.  We are forced,  like all living animals, to act or respond in a way to survive.
     Contemplate the minds and thoughts of those who committed the terrorism, regardless of their ethnicity or religion. Their intellect, creativity and ingenuity in pulling off such a horrific display and lack of compassion and humanity.  To attempt to make sense of these few individuals is infinitely useless.  The actions and reasons for such as did the victims behave and react at the time of the tragedy and afterwards is additionally profound. To the rest of us who witnessed this infamous tragedy we cannot begin to fathom the thought processes of the mind.

     As for the aftermath, in which is more of the focus in my mind reference to the aforementioned article,  regardless of your ethnicity, faith or religious affiliation this tragic and horrific event will, as does all of history, be just that. It will go into the history books.  With this said, generations and generations of bigotry, prejudice, religious indifference, and lack of tolerance and mutual respect will be written and dictated from opposing points and sides of view, I suppose?

     A couple of closing points, I hope that intelligent people can agree upon; millions of ignorant people who have no appreciation or understanding of past history and its context, is the reason there is so much bloodshed, violence, and hatred and killing throughout history, present and the future ahead, is because we ALL simply fail to feel the pain and suffering of others.  Finally, the one constant and or key in which supersedes all is the power of education and knowledge in realizing that sweeping generalizations should never be made based upon the actions of a few or one.  The masses of those who are ignorant will continue to spark and fester the divide that exists between east and west, while compassionate, sensible and knowledgeable people of the earth will continue working to bring us ALL together.

     Godspeed to all who suffered a loss of a loved one on 9-11-2001.  

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