Sunday, September 25, 2011

An American Educator's Review on Gaza

     After recently viewing the movie Tears of Gaza I felt compelled to comment on it.  As I stated over on my Facebook page, it is with the solemn realization and sadness of the unnecessary plight of these people in which they have had to endure for a generation. This is the case with all peoples who have been and are are oppressed and discriminated against.  Not only the Palestinians of this tiny piece of land but also referencing all of history and the suffering and inhumane treatment and exploitation of any people for their religious beliefs and their differences.

      I want all people who take the time to view the movie which is very graphic, and ultimately read my response, that I am not taking sides necessarily, yet no one in their right mind or of and conscience can morally concur of the unjustified action(s) of one nation going unchecked and dismissed by the international community (United Nations included) of a supposed reputable government.  There unleashing and use of United States provided military equipment, as well as the use of munitions in which have been outlawed by international military law for years provided for the bloodshed and violence upon these oppressed people simply in response and out of retaliation for the equally unjust and terrorist aggression of a few.

     This story, like all stories written and unwritten throughout history, exemplifies how the larger picture and the power and authority exercised by those who have the ability to wage war and death upon others, impacts and effects the nameless and the innocent!  Ultimately, as depicted in the film, the toll and aftermath befalls the people with no role, no authority and no power other than to try and live in safety and security with the opportunity to be self sufficient, content and happy.  Nameless millions throughout are the ones who have to suffer ongoing fear, grief and sadly horrific consequences... 

     These people our NOT world leaders, presidents, prime ministers or generals.  Those who make the decisions and carry out the wanton and utter disregard for human life have little ability and willingness to exercise compassion for others, tolerance for other's differences, respect for each peoples desire just to exist.  Yet, WE put them in these positions to lead and protect us?  We are equally at fault and are to be blamed for allowing such insanity to occur and condone.  I loathe at my own unwillingness and incapability of being more proactive and acting to do more unlike truly great people such Rachel Corrie .  We ourselves, instead of finding ways to build bridges and solidarity and mutual respect among all peoples sit silently or opine as to our agreement or disagreement with one side or another. 

     Both sides in this particular issue have suffered immensely through their well documented histories at the hands of others, let alone between themselves.  Those who know their history realize the complexity of the differences between the two peoples.  Consequently, the resulting and ongoing violence.  With this said still,when will human beings learn that human greed for power and the material is the root of all of our evils?

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