Monday, September 5, 2011

Social Networking does work!

I am having success on Twitter! After a week of spending a couple hours or so on Twitter nightly, I have developed several new contacts, networks and leads. I met an individual there who was able to put my better half in touch with a long lost friend over half way around the world. They met one another just today after not having seen or spoken to one another in almost 30 years. Fascinating isn't it? The results ultimately are yet to be realized but it certainly is not hurting. I have also created a readers list of other bloggers (three to this point).
I came across another individual who put me onto an application through my Linked In account in which has a user interface with the ability to make your resume a visual presentation versus just text.  It is called   I encourage those that come across my Blog here at or Website at  my CV/resume to join in, as there will be many more posts of interest, as well as controversy, regarding a myriad of issues and topics in which I am knowledgeable, passionate and outspoken about.  Till then good reading and "follow me." 

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