Monday, September 5, 2011

Similar gesture to share?

I cannot even begin to imagine a salary of six figures.  Certainly not in public education.  With this said, it is fairly common knowledge that many in or at the administrative level do in fact make in excess of 100k.  I suppose it is very well deserved and earned, yet the deplorable pay that exists today for those starting out in the profession just validates the theory that education continues to no longer be valued or held to the esteem that it may have in the past.
Surely, along with those who agree with me, there are equally as many who disagree.  I think most people would dismiss the notion of pay and salary as it is more important to have job satisfaction and love what you do.  I concur.  However, realistically people do have to make a living, and there was a time in our country when hard work and a college degree would provide for a comfortable life.  This is not the case any longer in the America of haves and have nots. 

Larry Powell is a true hero indeed. I must say the article made me appreciate his journey and thus gave me overwhelming feelings of humility and pride in the actions that he took regarding my profession!  Just think how much better off our country and world would be if ALL the people who have been blessed with this financially fortuity would give more of what they had gained?  He bluntly yet eloquently put things in perspective in two ways;  first, by acknowledging how much money or material worth is enough?  Secondly, and in the way I envisioned my career to progress and unfold, he credited all the other people who contributed toward his success on his pathway through life.  This, along with his motivation, perseverance and willingness to reach and grow to his potential are fundamental to gaining success.  For him to have to battle and  despite the presence of a debilitating disease he was afflicted with at such a young age should be an inspiration to all.

His story should be just another small example of the potential of the human spirit.

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