Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Impasse in Syria

     As a follower and student of Middle Eastern history and affairs, I have been closely following the politics and activists who are struggling to find democracy and the removal of President Bashar Al-Assad.  I had intended to post just one of hundreds of You Tube clips as part of this blog, but found most far too graphic and disturbing to be viewed by humane and pacifist people.  I and deeply disheartened and saddened to view myself.

     I find it difficult to understand why the United States and Barack Obama sit back and ignore the circumstances in which have been unfolding there for months.  Dozens of people are being maimed and killed daily over the past seven months, yet the world has been sitting idly by until the most recent accord passed by The Arab League last week.    Despite their mandates imposed upon Bashar and his regime, he continues to use his power in directing the military to impose its will upon unarmed civilians throughout the countryside, especially in the city of Homs.  In reality, Assad's regime has gone on record and been documented for human rights violations for decades now. 

     I see the people's desire and will for reform and democracy as being no different in what has occurred throughout the region as part of this movement commonly referred to in the region as the former Arab Spring.  How can we, the US  and international community, stand idly by and indifferent to this country unlike our actions and stance regarding the plight of Egyptians, Libyans, and Iraqis?  I do appreciate and realize the financial and human toll that any conflict would bring to our already struggling economy.  I do not advocate any type of assault or ground operations by US or NATO troops.  However, just as we did with the ousting of Gaddafi, I have talked to and listened to the people of Syria who are desperate for "any" kind of international intervention to remove Assad and restore peace.

     Fundamentally, and I might be incorrect in this view and opinion, does this situation not boil down to the fact that American and international interests are better served by Assad being in power?  Is there some discontent and religious intolerance in Syria between Christians and Muslims?  Regardless, throughout our proud nation's history of restoring peace and stability to where it was in flux, is taking a huge and disturbing regression in the minds and opinions of human rights activists and people who have ALWAYS respected and looked to us to be the role models in helping others who are being literally murdered by oppressive dictatorships throughout history.

     As was the case with Libya, the situation is dire as over 3000 citizens in Syria have been killed over the past seven months, yet the US and international community turns the other way?  It is clear as has been the norm over the past year that many of the countries in the Middle East are ready for change in which is clear and transformational in nature.  Is it not in the best interest of the US, NATO and international community to take the same, if not similar action, as it did with Libya in the form of a NO FLY ZONE?  

     I appreciate your thoughts and feedback.  PEACE to all humanity.   

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