Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Egypt's Enemies!?

 It is difficult to say at this point, but it seems as though the military regime left behind in Mubarak's wake is to blame.  Special interests, politics and riding the fence are abhorrent to myself, and so should be the case with ANY true servant leader, that exists in power for the betterment of all mankind.  Wake up everybody as Marvin Gaye most eloquently sang to.  I have seen and heard from many people with horrific descriptions and depictions of what has been going on over the last four days.  Go to Twitter and You tube and if you have any sense of compassion and humanity for mankind you too will be moved.

     Wait a second.  When I say moved, this means what?  As is the case in present day Syria, the mighty hand of the powers to be at the moment, with all of the latest in military technology to engage and disburse among innocent people is being used haphazardly and wantonly with no regard or remorse, no less fear from outside intervention.  So the sad saga continues, the world looks the other way and sighs as to the woes of these poor and forgotten people.  People, who again seek freedom, peace and basic unalienable rights in which our country has fought amongst ourselves and abroad to ensure our security over the past two centuries, and vowed to ensure for people worldwide, yet we cannot even help ourselves?  Moreover, to simply demand and insist, no less to help the people in places engaged in bitter, irresponsible and reprehensible actions as I write, what does that say about ourselves as an enitity and humane presence within the world?  Trust me, people do know our history.  They take note.  They have been disappointed,  not at all in our fine young people who have served honorably, but the spineless politicians who call themselves leaders, yet are unwilling to take bold and ostracised risks for what is simply right...  The fact is, history continues to repeat itself, sadly...

     Our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan came after hints and reported evidence led us into conflicts resulting in the loss of many young American lives.  Godspeed to every soul who protects to defend our way of live and our future security, but how can we stand by and be witness to atrocities and inhumane acts by repressive puppet and would be governments that have already shown they have no true following?  My soul and heart aches with the realization that our young men defending the freedoms that our forefathers gave their lives for, they too have no true understanding or knowledge of what it is they are doing where they are?

     It is basic instinct and morality that if someone asks, and needs help, that a compassionate and caring human being would go out of there way to at least offer it, no?  Really, it is very simple.  A person's calling in this life is to help those who can't, for whatever reason, help or defend themselves. This is without regard of where they come from and who they are.  For it is this alone that we will be judged for come the day....  Godspeed to all who are hurting and suffering in this vast world this eve. 

     Where is the humanity?


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