Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Finding Time to Lead?

     Whether a high school football coach, a small business owner, a public school building administrator or a Fortune 500 CEO this is intriguing.   After reading and reviewing Lisa's blog and all the links provided, I found the energy and motivation to offer my two cents on the topic.

     Experienced leaders appreciate and realize the importance and value of the people who work for them, and seeing to their sustained growth within their chosen field or profession..  It is their charge to encourage, facilitate, motivate and nurture their colleagues in scope and substance so as to empower them to self actualization within their respective jobs, organizations and careers.  Attaining this level of leadership competency is much easier said and written about than it is done in reality.  It is just as applicable with five members or 5000.  If, and when  this level can either be approached or arguably accomplished, people and employees subsequently find and  see themselves as invaluable members of the team or organization.  Again the old axiom is there is no "I" in team. Their desire and motivation to be productive and successful comes from within, in the realization of what they do is appreciated, acknowledged and respected.  In summary, leading and being part of a successful organization or school or business is being proactive and accepting the challenge that a leader exists merely to act as a servant.  It is their calling to provide a platform and venue for other leaders to emerge to a position or status above that in which has been achieved by the original leader.  The organization, just like that of a smooth running automobile engine, works finely-tuned and congruent with one another.

     In my personal and professional quest over the last thirty years to be a competent and high quality leader, I constantly struggle with one obstacle.  I would tend to think that most people in similar positions might be inclined to agree?  With so much to be done and accomplished in terms of developing your staff and employees from a human resources standpoint, I would be remiss in not confessing to have failed miserably.  Simply, but often times merely misunderstood, "time" is the obstacle standing in the way in developing people to their maximum potential and their leadership capabilities.  The daily grind of taking care of deadlines, matters, issues and paperwork, etc... I know has prevented me from establishing, nurturing and maximizing the relationships and connections I know are huge!  In some instances I worry they are desperately needed for the people within my teams and organizations to realize their integral and significant role within the team and ultimately grow.  I leave with the original question.  I sincerely appreciate and welcome any and all feedback on Lisa's article as well as my take.  Godspeed and PEACE!   

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